Overcoming - Negative Inner Dialogue - who has the answers?


"Take it to the one who has all the answers"

Yep, those conversations that you have with yourself and later wish you never did. Who doesn't have those? Why do we have inner dialogues? And why are they so negative when we're actually talking to ourselves?

I know I have them, and in some life seasons, I've had them more often than I care to remember.

As a child, a friend's dad told me that I'd never be a salesman. I'm useless at it. This one comment traveled with me for several years. Every time I tried my hand at a sales consultant job I would fail. I would tell myself over and over that I can't do this. I'll see the picture in my mind of that day so long ago; that one comment.

I got teased on a daily basis when I was younger because of my red hair and freckles. I carried that into my adult life. Whenever I walked into a room full of people or had a meeting with a new client, I would tell myself that people were staring.

I'm a dreamer, a...

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The Reality of Fake News- Overcoming Anxiety



Sam sat bent forward with his face in his palms. A bead of sweat running down his face, hanging from his chin for a split second before dripping to the ground.

He stared at the wet spots on the ground before him. Several drops fell moments before this one. Thinking, hoping, wishing that the ground would get soft enough to swallow him in, to make him disappear from the face of the earth.

He was tired, he didn't sleep the previous night. He was worried about the
meeting with his director coming up in a few hours. He was scared, tired, fatigued and irritated all at the same time. He never felt so much anger in his life before.

His muscles were tense in his neck and back. What will he do when he gets fired, how will he tell his wife, how will he face his kids and family? He felt ashamed at himself. How could he have taken the conversation this far
with her? How could she have thought he wanted a relationship with her.

How, how on earth! I was only...

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Turning defeat into a WIN - more than Conquerors

raymond wienand Feb 05, 2021

 More than Conquerors

"Defeat is temporal, but only if you do something about it."

Defeated means: (a) Having been defeated in a battle or contest. “The defeated army” Yep, that’s right. It means you lost; you have been beaten; victory was not yours.

I don’t know anyone that likes to lose. It’s not a nice feeling. It gets you down, it makes you miserable and can even make you depressed. But defeat is part of life. We all experience defeat at some stage in our lives. Individuals, teams, organizations, armies, governments and even entire nations know defeat. We see it in news headlines, on television, we read it on social media.

But we also read it in the Bible. Yep, defeat is in the Bible! It’s not created by man or the devil. God uses it in His greater plan for us. Sometimes we need defeat to bring us to our knees. Sometimes we need defeat to realize that we are out of God’s will. Sometimes it's through our own doings, our own...

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Overcoming Unhealthy Habits with Ray Wienand


Overcoming Unhealthy Habits- Episode 8

 Sometimes the best thing was to speak to someone about it, to get the load off my shoulder.

I don’t think there’s anyone, saved or unsaved, that doesn't have a few unhealthy habits in their lives. I know I do. Fortunately, I don’t have as many as I used to. For me, this blog is a very personal one. I’ve seen the effects unhealthy habits can have in my own life. I’ve seen it in the lives of family and friends, and in the lives of people I don’t even know.
There are so many possible unhealthy habits. Like many other things they can be physical, mental or spiritual. Sometimes we’re aware of them and sometimes we only realize it when someone points it out to us. The ones we know about, we kind of sweep under the rug and continue with. The ones that are pointed out to us, we get upset and jump into defensive mode. But the fact remains.
They are...
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Overcoming doubt & unbelief with Raymond Wienand

believe raymond wienand Aug 26, 2019


Overcoming doubt & unbelief - Episode 3

To doubt you must first believe in something.

Doubt and unbelief are feelings and thoughts that we all have at times.
When it looks like things won’t work out. When we are facing difficult situations. Even when life is good and things seem to go as planned.
So what is doubt and unbelief? Are they different? Similar? That’s a good question!
They are different, but often seen as the same.
To doubt you must first believe in something.
Something spiritual, physical or mentally. It can be believing in Christ as our Savior. It can be believing that something you saw is real. It can be believing that you can or cannot do something.
As a Christian, doubt is not seen as the absence of faith, but rather as a question of faith. A question of belief. Will I get through this trial? Will God provide what I need in time? Will....?
The constant wondering and overthinking....
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Turning defeat into a WIN - with Ray Wienand


Turning defeat into a WIN - Episode 1

"Defeat is temporal, but only if you do something about it."

Defeated means: (a) Having been defeated in a battle or contest. “The defeated army” Yep, that’s right. It means you lost; you have been beaten; victory was not yours.

I don’t know anyone that likes to lose. It’s not a nice feeling. It gets you down, it makes you miserable and can even make you depressed. But defeat is part of life. We all experience defeat at some stage in our lives. Individuals, teams, organizations, armies, governments and even entire nations know defeat. We see it in news headlines, on television, we read it on social media.

But we also read it in the Bible. Yep, defeat is in the Bible! It’s not created by man or the devil. God uses it in His greater plan for us. Sometimes we need defeat to bring us to our knees. Sometimes we need defeat to realize that we are out of God’s will. Sometimes...

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Overcoming Toxic Relationships with Raymond Wienand



When you choose your relationships, Choose them wisely

Sometimes we are bound by blood, sometimes we are bound by choice, and sometimes we are bound due to circumstances. But the truth is, we are bound to people and we cannot escape that fact.
What we can escape, or at least minimize, is the toxic relationships that we have. It might be due to family relationships, professional relationships, or it might be due to 100 different reasons. But the worst of them all are the toxic relationships that we are in by choice. They can be deadly! Yes, that’s right. They can be  deadly. Spiritually, emotionally and physically deadly.
I know someone named Charles quite well. From his teenage years he was involved in toxic relationships.
They were all by choice: to be seen, to stand out, to be a rebel. He formed friendships at school with the “wrong” crowd. He followed their way of doing things,...
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Overcoming Anxiety -Sams Story




Sam sat bent forward with his face in his palms. A bead of sweat running down his face, hanging from his chin for a split second before dripping to the ground.
He stared at the wet spots on the ground before him. Several drops fell moments before this one. Thinking, hoping, wishing that the ground would get soft enough to swallow him in, to make him disappear from the face of the earth.
He was tired, he didn't sleep the previous night. He was worried about the
meeting with his director coming up in a few hours. He was scared, tired, fatigued and irritated all at the same time. He never felt so much anger in his life before.
His muscles were tense in his neck and back. What will he do when he gets fired, how will he tell his wife, how will he face his kids and family? He felt ashamed at himself. How could he have taken the conversation this far
with her? How could she have thought he wanted a relationship with her.
How, how...
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Overcoming - Poverty Mentality - Change your Mindset



"Change your Mindset"

I grew up in a normal middle-class family. My dad worked hard to earn an income. He would travel often and be away from home more often than not. His income paid the bills, put clothes on our backs and food on the table.
My parents worked according to a very strict budget. If it’s not a priority, it’s not in the budget. And if it’s not in the budget, there’s no money for it. It was tough as a kid. Not understanding the intricacies of finances and budgets. Not understanding that your family earns a certain amount of money, and everything must be done with that money.
Dad worked hard, my friends dads worked hard, and they got 3 to 5 times more pocket money than I got. They could play the sports they wanted to because their parents bought them the equipment and clothes they needed. They could go and study for the careers they wanted to have but I couldn’t....
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Overcoming - Fear of Failure


Some things in life are unavoidable...

Two of them are being born and dying. But there are also other unavoidable things , like the fear of failure.
No matter how hard we try, we will encounter them. The difference is how we handle the fear of failure.
Each person is different, each person handles circumstances differently. And each person has different fears around failures. I’m no different, I also have them. And sometimes, I fear failing.
What determines failure? Is it the standard or goal set by somebody else like in an exam or test? Or, is it a goal that we’ve set for ourselves? Is it a feeling of failing somebody else?
What creates our fears? Are they from past experiences,  from what we’ve been told by others, or the enemy planting thoughts in our minds?  No matter how our fears developed, they are there, and they are real, too real for our comfort.
What should we do with our fears?
Should we ignore them,  try...
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