Reflections: Culture Shapers - Washington DC Memorials

faith servanthood Apr 19, 2019



Part 2

The Battle is real but the Victory is assured!

Judy and Chad took a trip to Washington DC, to attend the Internaitonal Culture Shapers Summit. They also made some time to visit the iconic memorials. They share some epic inspiration they recieved, from those who went before.

"...I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." -Thomas Jefferson

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Great offer for Epic Conquerors who want to get equipped with the tools of the trade for the Father's Family Business : 

Give us your feedback on EPIC Conquerors podcast?  Let us know topics you would like to see covered and your interest in being interviewed for a future episode.  Submit your feed back here: Join our EPIC Conquerors page and join in the discussion in our ...
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Overcome Fear of Failure with Faith


God's got this. If I make the wrong choice, He's got plan B, C, D, E....

God has put it on my heart to share my latest experience of quitting my job last May, and going back into business for myself.  I heard God speak to me at Joyce Meyer's conference in April to quit my job.  It took about 7 weeks, due to fear, to do just that.
God IS good!
I am 56, almost 57 years old. I have been sober and drug free for over 36 years.  I've overcome an extremely abusive childhood of mental, emotional, and physical abuse. I have built 3 successful businesses from the ground up.  I enjoy my life and love to laugh and have fun, withOUT feeling guilty about it!

Give us your feedback on EPIC Conquerors podcast?  Let us know topics you would like to see covered and your interest in being interviewed for a future episode.  
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Overcoming fear of failure - Exceptional Living


"Its not about my pace, its about God's pace. How can I live my life more like Jesus?"

How often do you question all the things you’ve been told your entire life? From the moment we’re born into this world we’re told what to do. So much of what we believe about ourselves has actually been developed on someone else’s opinion (or judgement).  It’s time you challenge yourself to do the work to get to know thyself.
Remember, we’re always growing and expanding.  It’s a natural part of life. As we grow and evolve so will our wants, needs, desires and dreams. Things that once made us feel happy, excited and purpose driven may not be the same anymore.
Stay open to trying new things and give yourself permission to grow and expand. Check in with yourself to see if you’re connected to who you are in this moment, or if you’re trying to hang onto someone you used to be. Knowing Thyself is a lifelong journey that requires...
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Episode 4: Overcoming - Faith has the Last Word



"Faith has the last word"

"Oh, no! How can this be? This is the worst thing that could ever happen! I’m a Christian…I love the Lord and yet my world is crumbling." 
Have you ever gone through a crisis so devastating that there seemed no hope for a future? Ever felt the rug pulled out from underneath you?
The enemy slithers by during those times to take advantage of the disastrous circumstances. 
He whispers, “Now, what? You’ve lived your life for God and this is what He allows? He didn’t spare you this heartache? He isn’t answering your call for help? Where is He?”
Fear is the enemy's weapon of choice. He wields it with deadly accuracy. He’s had a lot of practice. His roar can be so loud your thoughts start to jumble. 
Your footing seems unstable and you cry out…he jeers as you attempt to stand up and even mocks your effort to rise. 
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