Episode 4: Overcoming - Faith has the Last Word



"Faith has the last word"

"Oh, no! How can this be? This is the worst thing that could ever happen! I’m a Christian…I love the Lord and yet my world is crumbling." 
Have you ever gone through a crisis so devastating that there seemed no hope for a future? Ever felt the rug pulled out from underneath you?
The enemy slithers by during those times to take advantage of the disastrous circumstances. 
He whispers, “Now, what? You’ve lived your life for God and this is what He allows? He didn’t spare you this heartache? He isn’t answering your call for help? Where is He?”
Fear is the enemy's weapon of choice. He wields it with deadly accuracy. He’s had a lot of practice. His roar can be so loud your thoughts start to jumble. 
Your footing seems unstable and you cry out…he jeers as you attempt to stand up and even mocks your effort to rise. 
Faith has the last word. 
“But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior;  my God will hear me.  
Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise.
Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.”  Micah 7:7-9
“For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumbles (never to rise) when calamity strikes.”  Proverbs 24:20
Failure isn’t failure unless you quit, give up, turn from God and walk away. 
Every strong Bible character that we look up to in the Scriptures had their own Gethsemane. Abraham, Esther, Deborah, Noah, Joseph, Daniel, Elijah and Jesus, the list goes on.
Resurrection glory comes as we rise up wielding the sword of the Spirit. 
Jesus said, “After 3 days I will arise!” 
Was His death on the cross a failure? NO!
It was the process necessary for our victory. Your process is necessary for your victory and to show others the way to theirs. 
Nothing is wasted in The Father’s hand.
“The Lord is on my side, whom shall I fear?”  Psalms 118
“Since God be for me, who can successfully be against me?” Romans 8:31
Today, take ahold of hope, rise up in renewed faith. Keep on keeping on. Know that God IS with you. You shall come out of this fiery trial without even the smell of smoke.
You will look in the rear view mirror one day…and say, “I thank God for that trial. He used it to bring me into my promised land. I couldn’t understand it at the time, but I kept walking with Him. Look! He brought me out into victory.”
EPIC Conquerors know that when fear comes knocking. 
They send faith to answer the door…hmmm! No one's there. 
We are more than conquerors through Christ Who loved us. Romans 8:37

Dr. Judy Bauer

Show Notes:

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