Firm Foundation - The Church

dr judy bauer the church Nov 02, 2020


Ephesians 1: 22b - 23 The Church is the body of Christ.

1 Corinthians 12: 12 & 27 We are individually members (parts) of His body.

Romans 12: 5 We are all members (parts) of one other

1 John 1: 3 Together we have fellowship with God and with each other

Ephesians 3: 17-19 Together we know the Love of God.

Hebrews 10: 24&25 Together we are stirred and exhorted

Acts 2: 42-47 Daily they heard the Word and had communion.

  • Daily they prayed and had miracles.
  • Daily they fellowshipped from house to house and in the temple
  • Daily they were givers and praised God.
  • Daily they reproduced and multiplied by personal witnessing
  • Daily the Lord added to their numbers, people receiving salvation

John 17: 15-23 We are sent to share God's love with others.

Romans 10: 14-15 We are sent to be a witness of the Good News

Mark 16: 15 & 20 We are sent with the Lord working with us.

Ephesians 5: 25b-27 Christ loves the church and is working with us to be His glorious church, His...

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