An Epic Thanks Giving

 An EPIC Thanksgiving 

 "And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." -Ephesians 5:20 

I was preparing a different message for this PODCAST and whilst reading some inspired writings, I felt this strong overwhelming feeling of gratitude and thankfulness for what the Lord has done and continues to do in my LIFE and the people around me. Friends, Family and loved ones. 

I want us as a community of Epic Conquerors to start this week of Thanksgiving by being thankful. As we have spoken previously, living a life of thankfulness and gratitude, especially for what the Lord has done and the price He paid for us is a foundation for build a successful life. 

Let’s not just try and get thankful only on Thanksgiving Thursday. Let’s keep that practice, starting today—so we’re good at gratitude—and shine on Thanksgiving. 

I want us as a community to focus on the AWE of all the beautiful...

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