What is your legacy statement?

dr judy bauer legacy Oct 15, 2021

What defines you?

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There is a key that can unlock your fullest potential. Are you ready to open the door to being unstoppable? I believe this revelation will bring healing, hope and greater faith to...
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Finishing 2020 #EPICStrong - Episode 7

dr judy bauer legacy Dec 21, 2020

Be #EPICStrong

Keep on Keeping on - dont quit! Judy shares this and other legacy statements in this episode of finishing 2020 #EPICStrong.

What is your life legacy statement?

Visit www.epicwin4u.com for links and show notes and join in on the conversation @EpicConqerors on Facebook. If you enjoy our bi-weekly podcasts and videocasts and would like to contribute any amount, kindly click the link here: https://paypal.me/KAM79

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There is a key that can unlock your fullest potential. Are you ready to open the door to being unstoppable? I believe this revelation will bring healing, hope and greater faith to all who apply the principles contained in these pages. Sign up for Bookclub here: https://www.kamtraining4u.com/unstopp...  Be unstoppable. http://bit.ly/Be-unstoppable  Want the e-book version? Click here
Give us your feedback on EPIC Conquerors podcast?  Let us know topics you would like to...
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What is in your way

judy bauer legacy Jul 20, 2020

What is in your way?

When Sanballat heard...he became angry and greatly incensed. (Nehemiah 4:1) 

Nehemiah was given the task of rebuilding the wall.

Once we become born again God commissions us to rebuild our lives. We are to become a mighty fortress and refuge in Him for others to discover the goodness of God for themselves.

This task takes place throughout our lifetime.

In the process "many are the afflictions of the righteous" BUT The LORD delivers us out of them all. (Psalms 34:19)

We can learn a lot from Nehemiah's wall building task.

God's enemy and ours, will use every tactic possible to stop us from building our lives in Him. The names change from Nehemiah's time but the spirit undermining us in our endeavors still operates with the same M.O. (method of operation)

Sanballat was the governor of Samaria. A city well known for it's difficult people. Got any of those in your life?

Tactic #1: He used his anger and indignation to attack Nehemiah and his crew with words,...

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