Joel 2: 28-29 God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh.
Isaiah 28: 11-12 God will speak to His People through this method. It will be a rest and a refreshing.
Acts 1: 4 Jesus commanded them to receive this gift. It's a promise from the Father.
Mark 16: 17 Its for all who believe.
Acts 2: 4 They were all filled. All spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave them the words.
Acts 10: 44-46 Gentiles also received. They heard them speak with tongues and magnify God.
1 Corinthians 14: 21 & 32 Refers back to Isaiah 28. We choose when to speak in tongues.
Acts 1: 8 This experience gives us power to witness.
1 Corinthians 14: 2 & 4a We Speak to God in our new (prayer) language. We speak mysteries (wisdom kept hidden for us). We edified, built up, as we speak tongues.
Jude 20 Praying in tongues builds our faith.
Matthew 3: 11 ...
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