Overcoming Unhealthy Habits with Suzanne Provagna

 With Suzanne Provagna

 Its is for freedom that Christ has set us free!

Suzanne Provagna is a Christian Health Coach, public speaker and educator, who teaches a twelve week on-line Course called ECGC which stands for Eating Clean While Growing Closer to Christ. Suzanne is certified as a Nutritional Therapist and as a Functional Medicine Health Coach. Her mission is to teach Christian men and women how to lose weight by eating whole foods 95 to 98 percent of the time so that they can have more energy, better health, and hopefully more years to do the work that God has called them to do.

Suzanne shares: "Time to make some changes. But what to do? So many options which led me to research and research and research. I found what worked for me and then found others asking me how I did it and what they should do to lose weight. I knew what worked for me but would it work for others?
And, so I researched more. I became certified as a Nutritional Therapist through the Nutritional Therapy Association and then went back to school at the Institute of Functional Medicine and became a Functional Medicine Health Coach. Anyone can call themselves a Health Coach without training or being certified. That’s why I include the credentials – this is serious business to me.
Now I offer my programs to hundreds of people all over the country who want to lose weight, get rid of their unexplained digestive issues, and seek to live a healthier lifestyle. All of my programs put Jesus Christ in the center. He is the Healer and Author of our lives. We may not have the self-discipline, wisdom, or knowledge to change the habits we need to change, but HE does. And HE promises to reward those who diligently seek HIM. The Bible has much to say about health, your body, and changing habits. All of it is centered around love, not blame, shame, and guilt."




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