Overcome Poverty Mentality - Change is a process



Change is a process

 A mentality of poverty consists of very short term goals and instant gratification.   

Review from the previous blog:
We can fall into the traps of depending on others to provide for us or relying on others to feel secure.  
Self-sabatoge continues without restraints. The idea that everyone owes us because of our current situation breeds entitlement; which isolates and then consumes a person with bitterness.
God designed us to know we are loved and wanted by Him and by our natural and spiritual family.  
Since the garden of Eden, sin has access to humanity. It has sown weeds among the tares and has spread like leaven in a lump of dough until the whole loaf is infused and puffed up.  
Can we escape this dilemma?
Yes, God has provided a way for us to live a healthy life in spirit, soul and body.  
In our previous blog we talked about poverty mentality vs. balanced mentality. Now let's address:
Freely you have received, freely give.
Many times Christians use the phrase "freely you have received, freely give." Their understanding is that whatever you have belongs to them as well.
Jesus made that statement in reference to sharing the gospel with the lost.  
The salvation message and prayer for healing, cleansing and casting out devils are to be freely given as we have freely received His authority to minister on His behalf. We should never have to pay for prayer or ministry through the gifts of the Spirit (prophecy, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, etc)  
Immediately following that teaching, He shares that the worker is worthy of their keep.  When people receive teaching, training, skills etc. they are to provide for the one who instructed them.  (Matthew 10)
It is an honor to purchase, pay, and invest in ourselves through the service provided by others so that we grow, become more productive and increase our skills for ministry, our health, career and relationships.  
To expect that a person's life work should just be handed over to you for free is actually a mentality of poverty.  
We are to pay our way in life on time, keep our word (integrity) and continue to learn as that is the responsible, balanced mindset of a mature individual.  
Our aim should be to walk shoulder to shoulder with the Lord as joint-heirs advancing His kingdom in the earth.
Our ministry motto is: I seek to excel so that I will bring honor to God who has chosen me to advance His kingdom. (notice the "I"...personal responsibility)
Christians have a heavenly Father who is there for us in times of blessing and in time of calamity. When we fall into a crisis we know to call upon Him by faith. Many times He provides in miraculous ways or through an individual. He may speak to their heart and tell them that Susie needs milk for her children.  
Some, however, abuse their relationship with their heavenly Father attempting to use Him as their heavenly butler. When He doesn't come through as they wanted Him to, they are angry at Him and may even walk away from Him.  His provision is most often more than enough as that is His nature.  
A balanced mentality recognizes an opportunity to bless the Lord with 10%, save 10% and pay their bills and daily living expenses with the remaining amount. As you prosper, bump it up to 15%, 15%, then 20%, 20% and so on.  
Stretch your faith muscles.
I think of the story of the 10 virgins. Five were wise and five were foolish. The wise ones had gone to town, bought their supply of oil, trimmed their wicks and were waiting for the bridegroom.   
The foolish ones went to sleep expecting that when the bridegroom arrived they could ask their sisters for some of their oil. The 5 wise ladies said, "No way. You had just as much ability as we did to prepare for yourself and you didn't, so that's on you."  
It can be difficult for some people to take responsibility for themselves and their own families.  
The Bible is clear about our responsibility to do so; especially to widows and orphans in their care so they aren't a burden to the church community (who should take care of true widows and orphans: those without any family.)
We've been trained  through the world's message to believe that everyone owes us. A sense of entitlement breeds in that environment.
BREAK the CYCLE of Poverty Mentality
  1. Personal Responsibility for one's self and family.    (First blog in series)
  2. Personal Preparation for the long game.
  3. Personal Investment into the lives of others.
Let's tackle the second one:
Personal Preparation for the long game.
  1. Believe - Change your belief to personal responsibility. Own It.
  2. Repent - of thinking and/or actions where you used others.
  3. Corresponding Action - take steps to be responsible for yourself.
Action Challenges:  
  1. Take time to take stock of your current lifestyle. What are you earning? What are you spending? Write it down. Make a budget using the 10/10/80 principle.
  2. Discipline yourself to live within your means. Your inner voice may be screaming at you to give in...
  • RUN to JESUS.
  • RUN to the WORD.
  • RUN into His strong tower of refuge.
Pray in the Spirit. Journal what's going on...step back and recognize, from what you wrote, who is pushing you to cave in to old patterns of self-destruction.  
Choose to hear God's voice to walk in faith and exercise your spiritual muscles to transform your life, to forego instant gratification vs. long term gain.
  1. Recognize change is a process.
Dr. Judy Bauer


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