Jesus loves telling stories to get His point across.
One of the men commented on His story while they were eating. It seems as if he wanted to impress Jesus that they were on the same page spiritually.
Jesus was talking about those He noticed who wanted the "seat of honor." So, this man said, "Blessed is the man who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God." At first glance it sounds OK and a good statement, right? (Luke 14)
Jesus had a different view of his comment. Which led Him to tell another story.
This time He talked about someone who prepared a great banquet and invited many guests. They accepted his invitation. He began to make preparations for their coming. Once everything was in place. "He sent his servant to let the people know it was now time to come. Everything was ready.
But they ALL ALIKE began to make excuses." (vs 18)
Then Jesus, in His true story-form-fashion, began to give examples. In each case it sounded legitimate to the ears of those making the excuses. But, to the one who went to all the time, trouble, expenses etc. to invite them to enjoy his banquet it was a gross disrespect.
Truth? All the excuses given could have been overcome. They could have kept their word to the invitation they had originally accepted.
If they had not said yes he wouldn't have prepared at such expense. They permitted him to get everything ready for their arrival and enjoyment and then, without the blink of an eye, they didn't show up. When asked why??? Excuses were given.
What can we glean from this story for ourselves?
For one, ask the Holy Spirit to illuminate areas where we might be guilty of making excuses as to why we aren't doing things the Lord has quickened us to do on His behalf.
For another, we could reflect on various components of our lives and determine if we are making excuses that might really just be "lies tied up in the skin of a reason." To us it sounds reasonable, but are we just getting out of something we don't want to do?
Are we willing to get out of the boat and walk on water to the bidding of Jesus to come and follow Him?
Let's pray as David did - Psalm 51:10-12
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence, O Lord, and take not Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation and renew a right spirit within me."
Instead of excuses let's be a "Yes, Lord, Yes, Lord. Yes, yes, Lord. Amen." kind of person. When our time on earth is done, let's be found seated at His banqueting table enjoying Him and all that He has prepared for those who love Him. Glory! What a celebration!
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