Don't be Misled

dr judy bauer holiness Mar 19, 2021


"Do not be mislead: 'Bad company corrupts good character.' I Cor. 15:33

We're living in a day where good is being called evil and evil is OK if it feels good to you. You decide what's morally right and wrong. Never mind what God says is His standard of Holiness.

Three times God told His priests to give careful thought to an example He used to explain holiness and unholiness. (Haggai 2) In my paraphrase, God was saying if you are holy and touch something unholy does that unholy thing become holy? No. If you are holy and something unholy touches you does that make you unholy? Yes. Holiness is not infectious. Unholiness is infectious.

Let's look at it in another way. If you have a glass of pure water and add in a drop of salt; is the pure water now salty? Yes. If you have a glass of salt water and add some pure water is the water now pure? No. What about a bowl of fruit? If the bowl is full of good, healthy fruit and one piece has mold on it...will the good fruit make the one moldy fruit good? No. Will the one piece of moldy fruit eventually contaminate the entire of bowl of good fruit, if left in the bowl? Yes.

We are called to be Holy as He is Holy. I Peter 1:16 The spirit of anti-Christ (everything that opposes the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus) is rampant in our world.

The living God, the Lord of all glory has called His people (us) to come out and be ye separate. II Cor. 6:17 We are to let the light of Christ shine so brightly that people see Jesus. We are His living tabernacle made without human hands. We are to be His light set upon a hill as a beacon to show others the narrow way called the Highway of Holiness. Isaiah 35:8

Holiness is a condition of the heart found in a born-again child of God who has separated themselves unto the Lord and His service as their reasonable sacrifice. The Holy Spirit is resident within to create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit.

Psalm 51 "Without holiness no one will see the make every effort to be holy." Hebrews 12:14 Today, give careful thought...and say good riddance to the moldy works of the flesh that contaminate your good fruit and witness for the Lord.

It's time to take out the trash and allow the cleansing blood of Jesus to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. "

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