Paul wrote to Timothy giving him instructions for spiritual success.
He warned him of things and people to watch out for and he gave him the head's up on things and people that would keep him strong in the Lord.
I was captured by his wording regarding Onesiphorus. He had just described several people who deserted him while he was going through difficult trials and imprisonments. II Timothy 1
Then he stated, "Nevertheless, so many times Onesiphorus was like a breath of fresh air to me and never seemed to be ashamed of my chains." 1:16
It's interesting that the name Onesiphorus means:
- One who brings profit.
- Profitable
- Help-bringer
Paul then spoke a blessing over his life, "May our Lord Jesus bestow compassion and mercy upon him and his household...May Jesus, our Master, give him abundant mercy in the day he stands before Him." 1:16b and 18b
Paul blessed him for he said that when Onesiphorus arrived in Rome he searched and searched for Paul until he found out where he was being held so that he could minister to him.
Reaching out to be a blessing is a high calling in Christ that we all have. Really? Yes, "to go in His name...and bless others on His behalf."
Why? It demonstrates the love of God shed abroad in our hearts.
- The opposite of love isn't hate as many would say.
- The opposite of love is selfishness.
Paul said that Onesiphorus searched and searched for him that he could minister to him. WOWZERS!
This is polar opposite to our chaotic world today that is all wrapped up in itself.
We will all go through times and seasons that are difficult, devastating and traumatic. Some of those seasons can be long and it's in those times that you discover who the Onesiphorus' are in your life.
Most will tire of your trial and, as Paul stated, desert you because of your imprisonment.
What about you? Are you a dispenser of God's love to others who are incased in a trial that seems to never end?
Ask yourself...when people go through tough things and times that don't make sense do I bow out and say, "see you later. LMK when things get exciting again and I'll swing back around" or do you search them out to be a breath of fresh air, to profit them in their time of need?
We reap what we sow. Sow mercy and God's mercy will be extended to you in your seasons of difficulty and beyond.
Proverbs 11:25
"Those who live to bless others will have blessings heaped upon them, and the one who pours out his life to pour out blessings will be saturated with favor."
Be an Onesiphorus!
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